Mediation Services

Parenting Plans
A parenting plan is a written document that outlines how parents will raise their children after separation or divorce

Separation Agreements
Separation agreements allow two spouses to live "separate and apart" from the other without legally ending their marriage.

Voice of the Child Reports
A Voice of the Child Report ensures that children have the opportunity to be heard in custody proceedings. Most parents can come to an agreement on parenting arrangements on their own, through counsel or with the assistance of a mediator.
Phoebe Montgomery, MSW, RSW
Satellite Office Location: 420 Weber Street North, Suite 203
Tel: 226-796-9191
Email: Info@phoebemontgomerymsw.com
Contact Me

"It's not the load that breaks you down, its the way you carry it"...Lena Horne
I would be happy to help you unpack all that you carry and work with you on how you might walk through this difficult time in a healthier way.